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Wednesday 23 March 2022

All you need to know about the MTP Kit

 In recent days, doctors are coming up with many medicines which help us in all parts of our lives. Getting pregnant or having a baby is a big thing to think about and is a crucial thing in our lives, many things can go wrong. But doctors have come up with many solutions for every situation and for unintentional pregnancy they have come up with the MTP kit. MTP is an abbreviation for Medical termination pack. This is a prescribed drug for abortion. It consists of two important drugs namely Mifepristone and Misoprostol. The whole cycle contains only one tablet of Mifepristone and four tablets of Misoprostol.

There are many things to consider before starting to take this tablet. It is not an easy thing to have an abortion, there are many things to think about before the abortion. Firstly, the important thing is to get over the fear and anxiety or guilt. Make your head clear and then talk to a doctor about taking this Medication. Second important thing is to tell your doctor everything he or she asks for, the doctor will not judge you, so do not worry about it. 

The Function of the MTP kit:

The MTP kit functions efficiently on almost every user. But, it must first be consulted with a doctor. The MTP Kit consists of five tablets in total, one tablet is Mifepristone and the remaining four tablets are Misoprostol. You will have to start with one tablet of Mifepristone, it is taken orally. Then you will have to take the other four tablets of Misoprostol as the doctor prescribed you. This tablet is mostly through vaginal placement as it has been more effective than taken orally. The doctor will guide you through the entire process. Make sure that you are within 63 days of gestation as it is not for the women who are pregnant more than that time period. If you want to abort after that period time of 63 days, surgical removal is only suggested. 

The first tablet Mifepristone stops the effects of the progesterone hormone which helps in sustaining the pregnancy. While this tablet is taken it affects the linings on the womb causing it to break and you will bleed like in the time of your periods. This helps in abortion big time. The following tablet which is Misoprostol causes contraction in the uterus and causes the cervix to loosen up, which is not suitable for carrying the fetus. Usually, one cycle of this MTP kit is enough to carry out the abortion. In rare cases, more tablets will be prescribed by the doctors. 

MTP kit – Dosage:

Using the MTP kit must be under the prescription and the supervision of your doctor. You must be under 63 days of gestation to even start with this tablet. You must be honest with your doctor. If you are over 63 days it might have dangerous consequences. You must not have any allergies to MifepristoneMisoprostol, or any other ingredients present in the tablet. 

 You will start with taking the tablet Mifepristone, it is taken orally with the help of a glass of water. It starts taking effect. Then, after two to three days you will have to take the other four tablets of Misoprostol. It can be placed vaginally with the help of a doctor. By the end of this, the abortion would most probably be successful, if still the pregnancy continued, the doctor might prescribe you another 2 doses of Misoprostol. In rare cases, if the abortion didn’t take place, then you will have to go with surgery only. 

Warnings and Precautions to take:

  • An important precaution to take is to consult with a doctor, do not start the medication without consulting with a doctor first.  
  • You must tell about every allergy you have to your doctor. You might have an allergy to Mifepristone, Misoprostol, or any other ingredient present in the tablets. 
  • You must also inform about any disorder or issues you have in your body to your doctor because this medicine might worsen any of those conditions. 
  • You must not have alcohol in your system while or after taking this tablet, the ingredients in the tablet will not go well with the alcohol. 
  • You should not have grapefruit juice while taking this medication, it might have bad consequences. 
  • Strictly, do not start with the medication if you are pregnant for more than 63 days. MTP kit is not a solution after 63 days. You still have other ways like surgery. So, do not worry and discreetly take medicine. It definitely will not help.
  • Do not take the tablets if you are a mother who is breastfeeding. Little of the medicine might enter your breast and the breast milk might be dangerous for your child.
  • Do not take the medication, if you are a woman whose age is over 35. Ask your doctor for the solution. 
  • You will experience some painful cramps, so be ready with some heat pads to soothe the pain.
  • You might feel dizzy while on this medication, so avoid driving or working with dangerous heavy machines. 

Common side effects:

There are some common complaints about the side effects of taking this medication, do not worry these will fade away on their own. Some of the common side effects are as follows, 

  • Mild or severe fever. 
  • Headache. 
  • Excessive bleeding. 
  • Nausea. 
  • Diarrhea. 
  • Contractions of the uterine. 
  • Constipation. 
  • Excessive tiredness. 
  • Pain and cramping around the abdominal region. 
  • Trouble sleeping. 
  • Lost appetite. 
  • Dizziness. 
  • Fatigue. 
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Vomiting or vomiting sensation. 
  • Flatulence. 

 The above are some common side effects that you might experience. These will go away on their own, if any of the conditions continue to stay, contact your doctor, he or she might suggest you some painkillers or any other treatments. 


When can the MTP kit be used?

The MTP kit can be used by pregnant women who are pregnant for lesser days than 63. Those who are pregnant for more than 63 days should not take this medication. 

What to do if I missed a dose?

If you miss a dose of the medication, contact your doctor right away before proceeding to the next dose. 

Can I use the MTP kit while I’m breastfeeding?

No, do not start on the medication while breastfeeding, it might affect your child. 

Can I drive after taking the pills?

 No, do not drive while on the medication as it causes dizziness, you might not drive properly. 

Can I drink while on this medication?

 No, alcohol or any other liquid with grapefruit juice must be avoided as the medicine might have reverse reactions while getting mixed with alcohol or grapefruit juice. 

Tuesday 15 March 2022


 People take birth control pills to restrict a pregnancy from taking place. These pills contain chemicals or hormones that a female’s body naturally produces. These hormones stop the ovaries from releasing a mature egg. Also, these may prevent fertilization by changing cervical mucus consistency.

This disallows sperm from reaching the egg. Even if fertilization happens, certain oral contraceptives prohibit implantation. They thin the uterine lining so that the fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus. There are two types of birth control pills. Either you can take combination pills that have progestin and estrogen.

Or, you can take progestin-only pills. Both the variations are effective in preventing an unwanted pregnancy. Then you can also decide the duration of the pill course. In the convention pill cycle, you have to take 24 active pills. Then follow it with four inactive pills. You have to take one pill every day at the same time.

Then there are extended-cycle pills. Here, you take a greater number of active pills continuously so that the frequency of periods is less. You can restrict the number of periods to once in three months. Though birth control pills are highly successful in preventing pregnancies, these have other benefits as well.

Some women take oral contraceptives primarily not to restrict a pregnancy. Rather they take it to cope with certain health issues. So, let us have a look at what other benefits a birth control pill use can have for females.

1. Eases Premenstrual Symptoms

Many experience discomfort before their periods begin. They encounter painful cramps. This is often because of hormone imbalance. During menstruation, hormone-like substances are produced by the uterine lining. These are prostaglandins. These chemicals lead to uterine contractions.

Prostaglandins help the uterine lining to shed and cause periods. However, severe cramps can disturb a person and cause serious pain. This condition is called dysmenorrhea. When you take birth control pills, the cramps reduce. You will find it easier to deal with the pain and get sufficient relief.

2. Take Control Over Reproductive Health

Not only does a birth control pill prevent pregnancy, but it also helps with family planning. You are at the freedom to decide when you can conceive and when not. You can also have a say on when you wish to get a period and how many times you want it in a year. But remember if you have already conceived, these pills cannot reverse a pregnancy.

In case you still want to get rid of pregnancy after conceiving, then you can take abortion pills. That too the medical pregnancy termination process works only in early pregnancy. Here, you can buy MTP Kit online and end a pregnancy at home in comfort. The pack contains Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills to cause an abortion.

3. Regularize Periods

One of the biggest benefits of birth control pills is that they regularize periods. The basic function of the medication is to suppress ovulation. When this occurs, you will experience withdrawal bleeding. The bleeding is not a period but beneficial for health. At least it has no adverse effect on your body.

The medicine assists in correcting the hormonal imbalance that typically causes irregular periods. So, oral contraceptives regulate menstrual cycles. Now, you can achieve so with progestin and estrogen or combination pills. With these medicines, the periods are easier to come, predictable, and less painful.

You can keep a track of the menstrual cycle. Also, the bleeding is lighter. Sometimes, the period may not come by or there is too little bleeding. But you must not worry and stop taking the pills. Follow the dosage as per the medication pack you use.

4. Treat Endometriosis

Here, the endometrium (uterine lining) forms outside the uterus. As the growth is outside the uterus, these do not shed in menstruation. So, they lead to painful cramps. With time, the tissues get thicker, swell, and inflame making the condition worse.

Birth control pills with more progestin concentration can treat endometriosis. They can help you avoid periods. Thus, the uterine lining does not shed. Also, this eliminates the chances of painful cramps. The progestin also makes the endometrium thin. This leads to less pain during menstruation.

5. Reduce Acne

Acne breakouts often increase at the time when you are close to a period. The event occurs due to the androgen hormone. These increase in the body as ovaries produce it in ovulation. Androgens are responsible for oily skin. This can lead to increased acne formation.

Your doctor may suggest combination birth control pills. These can control the production of androgen levels in the body. Thus, you can expect relief and a reduced amount of acne breakout.

In Conclusion

As you can understand, birth control pills have several benefits other than preventing an unwanted pregnancy. These can also reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers with continued use. In some cases, it can restrict hair loss and anemia in women who get heavy periods.

These can also help ease painful conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), mood swings, migraines, and others. So, if you have any health issues related to the menstrual cycle, have a word with your doctor. Maybe oral contraceptives can help you out.

Kamagra Oral Jelly- Restore Your Sexual Life

Happiness and satisfaction in life depend on several different factors. One of these factors is the quality of one’s love life. If that is not good, it starts impacting other aspects of one’s life. Many men suffer from impotence issues like premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) that prevent them from living the best of their love lives. Thanks to the latest studies in the medical field, now there are medicines like Viagra to help you revive your love life. You can buy viagra online cheap to resolve issues in your relationships. However, there are some things you must know before you use this method to tackle your ED issues. Here we have listed some of these important facts for your knowledge and reference.

There Are Psychological Causes Too for ED Issues

Most of us may assume that erectile dysfunction occurs completely due to physical causes. We think the medicine will instantly correct the physical cause and help us lead a healthy love life. This is not always the case. Sometimes, ED issues arise due to psychological as well as lifestyle issues. In such cases, medicines like Kamagra or Viagra cannot really help you. There is no use if you buy kamagra 100mg tablets online because these medicines won’t resolve the issue. Here are some examples of such causes:

  • Lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking can affect physical as well as psychological health. They can hamper reproductive health and also lower your drive.
  • People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder may suffer from temporary ED issues.
  • Men suffering from aversion towards intimacy and nudity may suffer from ED issues aas a result.
  • Men suffering from depression or anxiety disorders may also suffer from temporary ED issues.

In any of the above cases, ED medicines like Kamagra cannot do much to help the individual. The person requires psychotherapy, behavioral therapy and counselling.

Some Side Effects of Viagra May Not Suit Your Health

Your ED issue may be completely physical. Yet, Kamagra may not be your alternative because the side effects may affect you seriously. It is important that you know the different side effects of ED medicines before you choose Kamagra Oral Jelly to restore your love life. Here are some possible side effects:

  • You may experience skin health issues like itchy skin, rashes, redness in the skin and undesirable spots. 
  • You may encounter digestive health issues like nausea, vomiting and dyspepsia.
  • You may suffer from temporary dizziness and lack of focus.
  • You may suffer from vision health issues like blurred vision or temporary color blindness.

Your Overall Health Decides Whether You Can Use Viagra to Tackle Impotency

You must visit a doctor to get your health evaluated. Your overall health helps to decide whether Kamagra Oral Jelly will help to revive your love life. You need to inform your doctor about any serious health problems related to major body organs like heart, lungs, liver or kidneys. Inform your doctor about any past allergic reactions to medicines. You also need to inform your doctor about any skin health disorders.

Get All Your Queries Cleared Before You Use Kamagra Oral Jelly to Tackle ED Issues

Kamagra Oral Jelly is a quick and efficient way to deal with ED issues. You can ask your doctor the common queries and get them cleared before you use this medicine for your issue. Here are some of the common queries that are asked:

What is the Difference Between Kamagra 100mg Tablets and Kamagra Oral Jelly?

Kamagra 100mg tablets and Kamagra Oral Jelly are both medicines with Sildenafil Citrate 100mg as the main constituent. The only difference lies in the form of these medicines. The Kamagra 100mg tablets are hard and can take 35-40 minutes to get digested. Kamagra Oral Jelly, owing to the jelly format, may take more time to get digested.

How Soon Does Kamagra Oral Jelly Show Its Effect?

Kamagra Oral Jelly was designed to help men who are already in the mood to get an erection. The medicine gets digested in the system in just about 15 minutes and shows its effect. The medicine’s effects last for 4-5 hours. It is best to have a light meal before using the medicine.

What Safe Measures to Take While Ordering Kamagra Online?

You should always order from trusted online stores like Local Med Store to be on the safer side. You must check the expiry date of the medicine before you add it to the cart. Compare prices to confirm that you are being charged right for the Kamagra Oral Jelly medicine. Check the store for a free shipping facility on bulk orders. Make sure there are proper refund and return options for the medicines before you confirm your purchase. Make payments online and adhere to social distancing norms in the post covid-19 phase.

5 Exercises to Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Muscles

 Women often think about pregnancy and its after effects only after they get pregnant. This is not wise. It is best to be educated about the changes that happen in your body before you get pregnant. It is also a great idea to be physically and mentally ready to face the challenges posed by pregnancy. Pelvic floor muscles have an important role to play not just in childbirth but also in routine daily activities like bowel movements and urination. If these muscles grow weak, they may eventually affect your control during these functions too. So, don’t wait until pregnancy and childbirth to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Here are five exercises that will help you do so right away. Go ahead and do it daily to see the benefits.

Kegel Exercises

The Kegel exercises are pretty popular and often recommended for people suffering from urinary incontinence. You can do these exercises while you are on a 5-minute break between work or just whiling your time away. Just contract the muscles you relax while urinating. You must do this for a few seconds and then release them. Repeat this act 5-10 times. You can do the Kegel exercises three times each day to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

Wall Squat Exercise

If you have a wall where you are positioned now, go ahead and try this one. You need to choose a wall and stand up straight against the wall. You need to make sure that your hips and your feet are in the same line. After that, engage your pelvic muscles as you slowly lower yourself as if positioning yourself to sit on a chair. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds and then return to the standing position. Repeat this exercise about 10 times each day. You will see the benefits on your pelvic muscles with time.

Reclined Bound Angle Exercise

Another suitable exercise to strengthen the pelvic muscles is the reclined bound angle exercise. For this exercise, you need to lie down on your back. You need to face up while your knees are bent against the floor. This is a yoga pose where you must drop your knees to the floor and allow the bottoms of your feet to meet each other. You need to then stretch out your arms by the side and the palms should open to the sky.  You must then take a deep breath with your eyes closed. Initially, you may do this pose just for about a minute. Later, you may increase the duration of the pose as per your convenience.

Bridge Exercise

Another pose suggested in women’s health posts to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles is the bridge exercise. In this exercise, you must lie on your back and make sure your feet are flat on the ground. You must then inhale and take a deep breath while you squeeze your pelvic muscles for 10 seconds. Now, release these muscles. You can repeat this exercise 5-10 times daily to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Child’s Pose Exercise

Spread out your yoga mat on the floor. Now do the child’s pose where there is room for the lower back to open and allow your pelvic muscles to stretch when you breathe in. You need to retain the position for a minute before you breathe out. Repeat the pose for enhanced strength of pelvic floor muscles.

What is the Impact of Pregnancy on the Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Most women consider strengthening their pelvic floor muscles after their first or second pregnancy. It is important to know how exactly pelvic floor muscles are affected because of pregnancy. We are all aware that there are several changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The pelvic floor muscles stretch to provide room for the baby in the womb. This process happens gradually throughout the pregnancy. By the last trimester, the pelvic muscles may stretch so much that they fail to return to their original position after delivery. When the pelvic floor muscles aren’t back to their original shape or form, it could result in several issues such as urinary incontinence. It is clear that it is important to keep the pelvic floor muscles in good condition.

How Pelvic Floor Exercises Can Benefit Women’s Health?

The pelvic floor muscle exercises help to maintain the strength of these muscles. It is recommended for women’s health to regularly exercise the pelvic floor muscles. The exercises can help women to go through a healthier pregnancy if they do the exercises prior to their first pregnancy. The exercises can help women regain their pelvic muscle strength after pregnancy. The multiple benefits in women’s health offered by these exercises make them ideal for women of all ages.

What Other Measures Should You Take to Maintain the Strength of the Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Exercises only do part of the work. You need to understand other measures for better pelvic floor muscles as well as overall women’s health. Here we have shared a few measures you can take:

  • Each time you exercise or exert yourself, take some time to relax your body and mind.
  • During pregnancy, avoid exercises or poses that put pressure on the pelvic muscles.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight. You can do this by regulating your diet.
  • Consume healthy foods and avoid junk foods. Highly processed foods tend to harm your health.
  • When you experience any changes in the usual functioning of your pelvic floor muscles, be alert. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and seek guidance.

It is never easy to maintain perfect women’s health. You need to put consistent efforts, regulate your diet, exercise and eat healthy to stay fit. Another very significant factor is to maintain a cool mind. Stress and tension often bring along several health problems. You must make sure you are free from stress so that your body and mind function optimally. Meditation and yoga can help relieve your mind from unnecessary stress. You may also undergo behavioral therapy to communicate better and thus reduce stress.

Tuesday 4 January 2022


 A missed abortion is when the fetus or embryo perishes in the uterus. The episode is usually unknown until medical tests and scans prove it. Thus, it is possible for a woman to not know about the same due to lack of symptoms. While the surgical method is the first choice for emptying the uterus in this case, many may choose abortion pills.

For a regular pregnancy termination, you can Buy MTP Kit Online and get both Mifepristone and Misoprostol. But for a missed abortion you can depend on Misoprostol tablets solely. You have to take the tablets either buccally or vaginally. The former intake method is the safest, with fewer side effects.

Misoprostol was originally developed for non-gynecological use. It was meant for gastric ulcers and to prevent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. Eventually, it was also found effective to end an early pregnancy. It is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog in contrast to the anti-progesterone abortion pill – Mifepristone.

In this post, we will discuss why women choose Misoprostol pills over surgical methods to treat a missed abortion, how to use the tablets, the effects, success rate, risks, contraindications, and a lot more.

Misoprostol Pills vs. Surgical Evacuation

Surgical evacuation has a success rate of around 95%. But to deal with a missed abortion, you will need hospitalization in this case. Now there are several complications associated with surgical tools and anesthesia. Some women are not comfortable with these aspects.

Also, there is always a risk, even if slight, for infection, injury to the vagina or cervix, disrupted fertility, and others. So, to avoid all this chaos, many opt for Misoprostol pills from the MTP Kit rather than undergoing an invasive treatment. It is possible to take the pills at home, preferably in the company of a reliable person.

But having someone over during a pregnancy termination is not necessary. It only acts as an added precaution, rather than assistance in case of an emergency. Not to mention, a friend or trustable individual during the event can also help with emotional and psychological support.

You have to take 600 to 800 mcg of Misoprostol buccally, or as advised by your doctor. Keep the pills in the cheek pouch so that they will melt gradually. Intake of the contents without water after 30 minutes. After a certain duration, you will start bleeding vaginally.

If the medicine works, the uterine contractions will force the pregnancy portions to emerge from the vagina. To tackle bleeding, you must use large sanitary pads. In case of abdominal cramps and pain in the body, go for over-the-counter or prescription pain medications.

Administration Routes for Misoprostol Pills

When performing a medical abortion, the doctor advises intake of Mifepristone and Misoprostol tablets. But this is not so in the case of a missed abortion. Here, combined usage of tablets can cause excessive bleeding. Thus, single-use of Misoprostol is much better as per studies and researches.

  • The administration mode for this medication is sublingual, oral, or vaginal
  • The dosage ranges from 100-800 mcg
  • Vaginal and oral are the most acceptable administration routes for missed abortions

Precautions to Follow

It is important to know the pros and cons of MTP Kit use or Misoprostol use in a missed abortion. Though it is not mandatory to get admitted to a hospital to take the medication, you must follow other precautions. For instance, if you notice signs of infection or heavy bleeding, then do not avoid an immediate visit to emergency care.

Do keep a stock of anti-emetics and painkillers to cope with the side effects of the medicine. After 2 weeks of the treatment, it is a must to follow up with your physician. A physical examination of the uterus is necessary to know the status of abortion. If Misoprostol abortion fails, then you have to

Risks of Misoprostol Use in a Missed Abortion

While medical abortion is the choice of several women, this method has a set of cons as well. If immediate intervention is necessary, then medicines are not the primary choice. In this case, surgical evacuation will work better. Also, excessive bleeding from the missed abortion can ask for blood transfusion.

So, discuss with your doctor the right choice to go with here. Misoprostol pills work if you miss an abortion in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After this duration, it is better to stick with surgical evacuation. The medical method is not eligible to deal with pregnancy growth from the second trimester onward.

Contraindications to Abortion Pills

In an early miscarriage or missed abortion where pregnancy is less than 14 weeks, an ultrasound scan is mandatory. This will help to detect the kind of pregnancy the person has. Misoprostol is not viable for use if a person has an ectopic pregnancy. Also, this medication is not for females with pelvic infections, allergic to the medicine ingredient, sepsis, unstable hemodynamic, and other serious health issues.

The female must not have a history of cesarean section, uncontrollable hypertension, bronchial asthma, mitral stenosis, use of non-steroidal medicines, glaucoma, and no access to hospitals. If you take any over-the-counter products, have a history of substance abuse, then confirm the safety of these with your doctor before taking MTP Kit pills.

To Sum it Up

If you want a non-surgical method to treat a missed abortion, then you can take Misoprostol pills. 800 mcg dose in case of vaginal administration, and 600 mcg in case of the sublingual route of intake works well. But there is more research required to know the right amount of dose to clear the uterus of pregnancy parts.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

List Of Food That Boost Sex Drive

List Of Food That Boost Sex Drive: We are here to discuss about the aspects which can cause low sexual interest or lack of sex desired in men. There are physical and psychological reasons behind it which we are going to discuss below.

Physical factors that cause low libido are alcohol, drug abuse, intake of certain medicines for hypertension and diabetic issues and major psychological factors are relationship problems, feelings, stress and depressive disorders.

Stress is the major cause for the lack of sexual interest. Stress comes from office work, misconception between the family relatives, financial responsibility and other family members issues like child education and health etc. You have to keep stress at bay in order to enjoy sexual life. Many couples have divorced because of this inability to perform in bed and due to lack of sex drive. The testes in men produce sex hormonal testosterone.

Many men in their late 30s and early 40s have low libido because of cigarette smoking and frequent abuse of liquor. Testosterone levels are high in younger man, who has appetite for sex, but ageing decreases the testosterone levels and men sexual interest goes down.

A good night sleep might be hard to come by, but you need sleep to keep a distinct mind, health, and an effective sexual interest. “When you’re tired, you’d rather capture up on sleep,

Research and studies that stress is the main root cause of low sex drive in younger generation. Less sleep and long work hours in the office can decrease testosterone levels in men.

Sexual desire is inversely proportionate to age it is highest possible when you are younger and slowly reduces as age increases.

If you are looking to put some sizzle back into your romantic life, then you have to change your diet by following some of the food that can help you set your mood back.


The Aztecs are known as avocados as, ahem, testicles, because of their physical shape. But the scientific reason why avocados make sensation as an aphrodisiac is that they are loaded with unsaturated fat and low in saturated fat, making them good for your heart and your arteries. Anything that keeps the heart beating strong, it means it is allowing proper blood flow all over the body; actually, men with actual cardiovascular illness are twice as likely to experience from male impotence (Sildenafil Citrate For ED).


Walnuts enhance the quality of sperm cells. It is known to enhance the form, activity and energy of the sperm. Include walnuts in order to enhance infertility.

Strawberries and Raspberries

The seeds of these fruits and vegetables which are packed with zinc oxide which is essential for sex both, men and women. If females have high levels of zinc their bodies find it easier to prepare for sex. In men, zinc manages the androgenic hormone or testosterone level which is responsible for generating sperm cells. It is important that men load up on zinc oxide as their zinc oxide stages decrease during intercourse.


Almonds have long been supposed to increase interest, act as a sexual stimulant, and aid with infertility. Like asparagus, almonds are nutrient-dense and loaded with several nutrients that are important for reproductive health and reproduction, such as zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Zinc helps in improving libido and sexual desire.


Watermelon enhances your erection and enhances your sex drive. They also contain citrulline which releases meats and l-arginine in the body. It is found that arginine boosts vascular health.


The cocoa in chocolate includes methylxanthines which is a stimulating element that improves your body’s sensitivity— ensuring your skin registers even the slightest touch or movement against it. Chocolate also includes phenylethylamine, a chemical which can give you a minor natural high. Chocolates produce serotonin and endorphins that enhance your feelings.


Clove is known for its super properties. It is a versatile food that tastes amazing in every dish whether it is a soup, exotic dish or a tea. Beside this you must know that cloves have been used to cure men’s impotence for hundreds of years. The ingredients in cloves are also used to get rid of bad breathing, which can make you feel embarrassed while kissing.

Note: If you add Clove with little cumin and nutmeg in your diet then you will get the benefit of multifaceted aphrodisiac.


Despite their smooth, slippery and slimy texture, oysters are the best and well known aphrodisiac. It is found that they are the best sources of libido-boosting zinc which increase the testosterone and oestrogen levels in both genders. But other types of seafood such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA which raise the dopamine levels in the brain that trigger arousal.


Scientists discovered that females who took a ginseng supplement considerably increased their sexual interest in monthly, and 68 % also said their overall sex life enhanced considerably. Add ginseng into your diet or try one of the many ginseng teas which are available in the market. Many energy drinks that declare to have ginseng in them contain chemicals and plenty of sugar , thus avoiding having such products from the market.


Over easy, hard-boiled, or scrambled eggs are very hard to prefer, but no other food can beat them for a healthier body inside and out. Eggs are loaded with natural vitamins B6 and B5, which help balance hormonal levels and ease stress levels too, and are important for a proper and balanced sex drive. Eggs are an excellent part of a weight-loss technique thanks to their proteins and B12, a vitamin that research is necessary for breaking down fat.

So include all these list of food that boost Sex Drive & make sure you are taking this food in your diet and get you back into gear to enjoy a successful session between the sheets.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

6 Birth Control Options Safe During Breastfeeding

There are fewer chances of getting pregnant if you are breastfeeding. The risk of conceiving is lower only till 6 months after childbirth. But it is difficult to depend on this birth control method. This is because for breastfeeding to work as contraception, you have to do the following:

  • Feed the baby after every 4 hours in the day  
  • Feed the baby every 6 hours at night
  • You must not give any other supplement to the infant
  • Thus, your baby must not eat anything apart from the breast milk

This will trigger ovulation. If you do not conceive here, then after 2 weeks, you will get the first period. But it is not always possible to understand if ovulation has taken place. So, the risk of pregnancy is still present in this case. Also, this birth control method does not work when your period returns.

So, if you want to avoid pregnancy when breastfeeding, talk to the doctor for birth control options. It is best to not go for contraceptives that contain the hormone estrogen. This hormone can lower the milk supply in mothers. But this is nothing to worry about. There are several options to prevent pregnancy.

In this post, we will discuss safe birth control alternatives during breastfeeding. Give this post a read further to know more.

Combination pills contain the hormones progestin and estrogen. But these pills may affect the milk supply in women. Also, these can shorten the breastfeeding duration. Those who feed their child milk from breasts can rather look for a mini-pill. These contain only the hormone progestin.

Mini Pills are safer for females during breastfeeding. These come in a 28-pill pack. So, you may not get bleeding every month. Instead, the possibility of irregular bleeding and spotting exists till your body adjusts to the dose. You can start with this oral contraceptive course anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks after childbirth.

As a birth control, the efficacy rate of the pills is 85% to 99.7%. To get the best from the mini pill, take one pill at the same time every day. Do not miss the timing or miss any dose. This will ensure the hormone levels remain steady. Some of the side effects are ovarian cysts, lower libido, and irregular bleeding.

  • Intrauterine Device (IUD)

IUDs are long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). These are most effective in restricting a pregnancy. Their success rate is 99%. If you want to conceive, then get the IUD removed before trying for pregnancy. There are two types of IUDs – hormonal and non-hormonal. Here is more about both these contraception products during breastfeeding:

A) Hormonal IUD

The hormonal ones contain progesterone in synthetic form (progestin). And these are available on prescription. The IUD thickens the cervical mucus. This makes it harder for the sperm to reach a mature egg or the uterus. Some of the options are:

  • Kyleena and Mirena, both offer protection for up to 5 years
  • Liletta and Skyla, both offer protection for up to 3 years

A doctor will insert the plastic device (T-shaped) into the uterus. This will eliminate the possibility of fertilization. But there is a risk of infection as a foreign particle is going inside the body. So, an IUD is not suggested to females who have several sexual partners. The hormonal intrauterine device can stop periods or make them lighter.

B) Copper IUD (Non-Hormonal)

You can even opt for a non-hormonal IUD – Paragard. It is a Copper IUD that disrupts the movement of sperm. So, the Copper IUD can stop fertilization as well as implantation. The device offers protection from pregnancy for up to 10 years. But your physician will not suggest this option if you get a heavy period.

This is because Copper IUDs can give a person longer and heavier periods. Also, you may encounter strong cramping. An advantage here is that such an IUD can be placed soon after delivering the baby or when breastfeeding. But you can wait until the postpartum bleeding goes away in 2 to 6 weeks.

Sometimes, an IUD can displace if placed too soon in the uterus. Or, it may also raise the risk of infections. Some of the side effects are heavy or irregular bleeding, cramping after insertion, and spotting between periods. But these may fade in the initial 6 months of insertion.

  • Implant

Another LARC is the birth control implant. It has a 99% efficacy rate even during breastfeeding. It is also available on prescription. It is a rod-shaped device. It is as small as a matchstick. The doctor inserts the same underneath the skin. The preferable location is the upper arm.

The implant can grant pregnancy protection for up to 4 years. This product contains progestin. It disallows the ovaries from releasing a mature egg. Also, it makes it harder for the sperm to reach the egg. This happens by the thickening of the cervical mucus.

You can opt for an implant immediately after delivering the child. Also, if you wish to conceive, you can get it removed. Some of the risks include unusually heavy vaginal bleeding. Or, pain in the arm that stays for a prolonged time. Or, there are signs of infection such as chills and fever. But such complications are rare.

  • Barrier Methods

A barrier method does not allow the sperm to enter the uterus. Thus, it avoids the possibility of egg fertilization. They do not contain hormones. So, there is no risk of milk supply depletion. Also, you can use it as soon as it is safe to have penetrative intercourse. These are available over-the-counter. Also, there are plenty of options.

A) Condoms

There male as well as female condoms. They block sperm from coming in contact with the vagina. There are latex and non-latex versions. Some are lubricated, some non-lubricated. There are spermicidal ones as well. Condoms can also protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

On perfect use, the efficacy rate is 98%. But this means the condom should be on at all times of genital contact. Also, this must not slip, break, or leak at any point of the intercourse. The effectiveness is up to 82% on typical use. For better protection, you can use minipills, spermicide, or natural family planning.

B) Diaphragm

You have to put it in the vagina for up to 2 hours before intercourse. It is a small cup made from silicone. It is safe for use during breastfeeding. It prevents the sperm from entering the uterus. You have to fit the Diaphragm over the cervix. A doctor will do the needful. After delivery, the cervix may change.

So, the old diaphragm may not fit anymore. You need to get another one as per the current cervix structure. The success rate is 60% for females who have already experienced childbirth. For added protection, use the cervical cup with spermicide.

C) Cervical Cap

You can get a cervical cap on prescription. A doctor has to fit it for you. The cap should be of the correct size to fit on your cervix. You can place this birth control product in the vagina for up to 6 hours before intercourse. The success rate is between 71% and 86%. Use it with spermicide for better protection.

D) Sponge

The sponge is a birth control product that you can choose when breastfeeding. It is a piece of polyurethane foam. You have to place it into your vagina. The method stops sperm from reaching the uterus. With typical use, the effectiveness is 88%. But it is lower for females who have experienced childbirth.

The sponge already contains spermicide. So, not only it blocks sperm but immobilizes it as well. Do not leave the contraceptive sponge inside for more than 24 hours. But leave it at least for 6 hours after penetrative intercourse.

  • Depo-Provera Shot

This is a LARC with the hormone progestin. You can remain free from pregnancy for up to 3 months at a time. The effectiveness is 97%. You need to receive the hormonal injection for birth control every 12 weeks for continued protection from pregnancy. Side effects are weight gain, headaches, and abdominal pain.

But after discontinuing the use from breastfeeding, it can take up to 10 months or more for you to conceive again. If planning for pregnancy soon after your delivery, choose another contraceptive.

  • Morning-After Pill

In case the birth control fails during breastfeeding, then try the morning-after pill. This is the last resort to prevent pregnancy. You must not use it as a regular form of contraception. It is available on prescription as well as over-the-counter. The success rate is 88%. There are two types of this product.

One of these contains estrogen and progestin. But a morning-after pill can also contain only progestin. Choose the one that is best for you. Some of the options are Plan B One-Step, My Way, Next Choice One Dose, and Take Action. The efficacy of this pill reduces with combination pills.

In this case, the success rate is up to 75% only. In breastfeeding, progestin-only pills are preferable. But if you take combination pills, there is no long-term impact on the breast milk supply. The dip, if any, is temporary, and normalizes soon.

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