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Friday 26 November 2021

How To Know If Your Male Discharge Is Normal?




The urethra is a narrow tube in the penile organ. It usually helps the urine to pass through. But the male discharge of other types may also flow out from the phallus. Normal discharges are ejaculate and pre-cum. Smegma may also form around the head of the reproductive organ.

Some male discharges are normal and beneficial for health. But others are not, and indicate a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Or, it may also signal the presence of a health issue. In this post, we will discuss normal and abnormal fluids that the urethra may pass out, and what you can do about it.

What is Normal Male Discharge?

A normal male discharge is a healthy and natural occurrence of biology. Apart from urine, there are three other types of normal male discharge or substance. We will share the details below:

  • Pre-ejaculate

When a man feels aroused sexually, then his penile organ may drip precum or pre-ejaculate. And at the time of climax, he ejaculates semen. Precum is a mucoid fluid. It is a normal male discharge. The Cowper’s gland produces it. This is a clear liquid. The gland is at the side of the urethra.

When a man encounters sexual arousal, the penile tip secretes pre-ejaculate. This is not the release of semen and sperm. Most men release a precum of a few drops. But for some, it can go up to a teaspoon. The amount of precum may vary from person to person.

Pre-ejaculate clear acids from the urine. This lowers acidity in the penile organ. It makes the environment conducive for sperm survival. Precum also prepares a man for intercourse by lubricating the phallus. You can use a condom to stop the direct touch of a phallus with the private parts of your partner.

This will keep the risk of STIs away. Sometimes the precum may contain sperm from leftover activity. So, a condom can also restrict a pregnancy even from precum. Otherwise, pregnancy is usually possible mostly after ejaculation. Because the ejaculatory fluid contains semen and sperm.

  • Ejaculate

When a man reaches orgasm, he ejaculates. The ejaculation is a gooey, thick, cloudy, and white substance. The penile tip releases this fluid. It consists of sperm. The prostate, seminal vesicles in the testicles, and Cowper’s glands produce sperm.

About 1% of the semen contains sperm. On average, a male discharge of semen contains 200 to 500 million sperm. Water, enzymes, protein, and sugar forms the other 99% of the contents. The amount of ejaculation may differ from a person to another.

If the ejaculatory fluid is too watery, then you consult a doctor. The amount and quality of ejaculation may differ too between people. The reason for the same is perhaps diet, lifestyle, an underlying health issue, etc.

  • Smegma

Smegma is a collection of dead skin cells as well as oil. The Tyson’s glands produce it. The gland is under the foreskin. Though it is not a discharge, it is a skin condition. The build-up is more common in uncircumcised men. They have foreskin on the penile organ.

The water, skin oil sebum, and skin cells collection look yellowish or whitish. Smegma is not harmful. It prevents friction a sexual activity. Also, it lubricates the penis head. But this substance contains bacteria. But when the bacteria overgrow, it is not good for health.

Because of unhealthy bacteria overgrowth, smegma may smell bad. Also, it can invite infections of the urinary tract. It also increases the risk of STIs. Uncircumcised men have a foreskin. This traps smegma under the penile head. You can rinse it away regularly. This will keep off the overgrowth of bacteria.

Cleaning the penile organ properly will do away with old skin cells and build-up. If left uncleaned, smegma may get too much and look like pear-shaped lumps. Too much of this substance can give out an odd odor. Also, it can prevent foreskin movement.

If there are issues with the foreskin, a simple foreskin removal surgery can do the job. You can speak to your doctor if smegma build-up is too often and disturbing.

What is Abnormal Male Discharge?

Certain health issues and infections may infect the male discharge, and make it harmful. The causes for such unhealthy male discharges are:

  • Balanitis

This is the inflammation of the penis head (glans). Balanitis may affect uncircumcised as well as circumcised males. But it is more common for men with foreskins. Some of the symptoms are pain during urination, itchiness, blotchy and red rash, and foul discharge from under the foreskin.

This condition happens from allergic reactions to lotions, soaps, condoms, lubricants, etc. It can occur from poor hygiene as well. If you do not pull the foreskin back and clean it, the risk of inflammation increases. The smegma along with urine and sweat is a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria.

The resulting build-up is irritating. Another culprit is a sexually transmitted disease. Also, foreskin inflammation (posthitis) may lead to Balanitis. When both these happen together, Balanoposthitis results. Here inflammation occurs on the glans and foreskin.

  • Prostatitis 

The prostate makes prostatic fluid. This is one of the contents of semen. The walnut-shaped gland may suffer from inflammation. The infection on the prostate surrounding the urethra leads to pain during ejaculation. It may result in blood from urine, odd-smelling urine, difficulty urinating, and an interrupted urine stream.

Prostatitis may go away in a few days or weeks. It may go on its own. Or, you may require treatment. But if the condition is chronic, it can take 3 months for treatment. If it does not go even after that, then at least a few symptoms may ease out.

  • Urethritis

This is an infection and inflammation of the urethra. Here, there are no symptoms sometimes. Or, you may feel an urgent need to urinate. You may also feel a burning sensation during urination. Or, you may even face a greenish or yellowish male discharge.

Urethritis is caused by bacteria from unprotected intercourse. Some of the STDs that lead to urethritis are Gonorrhea, Herpes Simplex Virus, and Chlamydia. This condition is also possible because of normal bacteria. This can cause urinary tract infections.

  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are not that common in men. But bacteria from the rectum can go into the urinary tract. If you do not clean the anus properly, then the transfer of fecal bacteria is possible. Some of the symptoms are fever, feeling an urgent need to urinate, foul-smelling or cloudy urine.

Also, you may find pus-tinged or clear male discharge from the penile organ. Or, there is a burning sensation from passing urine. The infection may occur at the urethra, bladder, ureters, or kidneys. Other common signs are shaking and chills, lower abdomen discomfort, blood in urine, and more.

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Foul male discharge can happen because of STDs. Some of the responsible conditions are:

  • Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a common STD but it may have no symptoms. You may encounter pain during urination. You can also face swelling on the testicles. Or, male discharge from the penile tip is greenish, yellowish, and whitish.

  • Chlamydia

This is a bacterial infection responsible for Urethritis. It may also result in swelling in the testicles. It can also cause pain during intercourse. This infection can spread through skin-to-skin contact. It can also happen from vaginal and anal sex. For men, it is more common for those who have a relationship with men.

When to Seek Help?

If there is any upsetting male discharge other than urine, see your doctor. He/she will ask about the symptoms. Also, a physical exam of the affected area is necessary. The physician will also ask for your sexual and medical history. The doctor may collect a swab of the discharge as a sample for lab analysis.

Complications include scarring of the penile organ, difficulty or inability to retract the foreskin, spread of infection, and inflammation. Do not shy away from the problem. Otherwise, it can lead to long-term issues. In some cases, the infection can also damage the genital tissues. Or, it can keep you away from getting intimate.

It is better to wait for the infection to clear. Only then you must engage with someone else. Even you must stop self-pleasuring until then. Because this can risk the spread of STIs. Since self-pleasuring may include touching, fondling, and bodily fluids, it is a big-no until the treatment is over.

The treatment will depend on the reason behind the male discharge. Antibiotics work to eliminate bacterial infections. Antifungals will work for fungal infections, like those from yeast. Steroids can ease allergic reactions. But complete the entire course of medications even if the symptoms fade.

To Sum it Up

Normal male discharge is urine, precum, and ejaculation. Smegma is a skin condition and not discharge. Pre-ejaculate and ejaculation result from intercourse and sexual arousal. This does not cause any discomfort or pain. But you must see a doctor if there is foul-smelling or discolored discharge.

Monday 15 November 2021

Will Birth Control Pills Affect Pregnancy Test Results?

Birth Control Pills And Effect On Pregnancy Test Results

If you take birth control pills, you already know these contain progestin or estrogen. Then these are combined pills that contain both these hormones. These regulate your menstrual cycle. Also, primarily they stop a pregnancy from happening. Now, many think oral contraceptives influence pregnancy test results.

Is it true or not, let us find out in the below-given post where we will discuss the working of birth control pills. We will also take you through the effect of birth control pills on a pregnancy test, how to use oral contraceptives, pregnancy symptoms, placebo pills, backup contraceptives, and how to take a pregnancy test.

Working of Birth Control Pills

To prevent pregnancy, birth controls pills work by stopping monthly ovulation. When you ovulate, the ovaries produce a mature egg. With the egg released, the chances of conceiving are high if you have unprotected intercourse. The mature egg meets with the sperm, and then you may get pregnant.

So, the tablet prohibits the release of eggs. Also, it makes the cervical mucus heavy. It gets stickier and fatter. The sperm finds it difficult to pass through the cervix. The sticky and thick mucus formed reduces the chances of sperm reaching the egg. Thus, contraceptive pills restrict a pregnancy from happening.

If you take the medicine properly, then it can remain effective 99% of the time. But there is still a 1% risk of pregnancy. This is why; if you show pregnancy symptoms, or you suspect that you have conceived, get a pregnancy test. You can either take one regularly just to get sure about the results.

It is safer to go in for a pregnancy test time and again if you are sexually active. Taking a birth control pill will anyways prevent the risk of pregnancy a maximum number of times. So, is it possible for these medications to influence the outcome of a pregnancy check? Here is what you must know.

Birth Control Pills and Effect on Pregnancy Test

The fact remains that hormones present in birth control pills do not affect pregnancy tests. It also does not have any ill impact on the outcome of the check. But some of these medicines may affect the uterus lining. The hormones from the tablets may thin out the endometrial lining.

When this happens, the fertilized egg (if any) does not attach to the uterus. With the endometrial lining breaking and thinning, you may also not experience any bleeding. This is the reason that women on birth control pills have lighter periods. Some even stop getting menstrual bleeding altogether.

But without a period, you may also suspect that you have conceived. This mistake is quite common to expect. Understand that when oral contraceptives work, the bleeding, even if non-present, will not harm your health. So, there is nothing to worry about. However, confusion about pregnancy is natural.

So, if you think you are pregnant on birth control pills, go for a pregnancy test without a delay. Because many times, incorrect usage of the medicines reduces their efficacy. This may also cause a real pregnancy to happen. Thus, you must also know how to take oral contraceptives properly.

How to Use Birth Control Pills?

As per ‘perfect use’ guidelines, you must take a pill every day. But this is not all. You should intake the tablet at the same time daily. Also, you must not skip any dose. Wait, there is something more. Do not forget to start a new pack of medicines on time. If any of these does not happen correctly, the chances of conceiving increase.

Women sometimes miss doses. Or, they may shift the timing of intake every day. Even delaying the consumption of birth control pills by a few hours can cause a pregnancy. If too many such mistakes happen, then you cannot expect complete protection from conceiving.

If you miss a dose or two in a month, then you must follow the missed dose indication. This helps to reduce the risk of pregnancy. And the efficacy rate of the tablets goes down to 91% or more. Also, avoid taking products that interact with birth control pills. The interactions also disrupt the working of the medicines.

Symptoms of a Pregnancy

Sometimes, you may not notice any symptoms in early pregnancy. But a few signs can give away if you have conceived. If you experience any of the below symptoms, then you must get a pregnancy test and know the result”

  • Missing a Period

If you do not get a period or two, then it is a warning sign. It is one of the initial pregnancy symptoms. Even if you are on birth control pills, and do not get regular periods, take a pregnancy test. Always keep a home pregnancy kit handy to check the results.

  • Morning Sickness

Another early sign of pregnancy is morning sickness. You may wake up feeling nauseous. You may even vomit in the morning after waking from sleep. The vomiting tendency may persist. Also, despite its name, you may vomit any time of the day. It usually starts after a few weeks of conceiving.

  • Frequent Urination

If you are taking birth control pills, and encounter frequent urination then hold on. It may be a sign of an active pregnancy. But the frequency of urination may increase due to health issues as well. But why take a risk, just go in for a pregnancy test to know the reality.

  • Changes in Breasts

Hormonal shifts in the body during pregnancy are common. These can bring some changes to the breast. Your breast may feel sore or tender. Also, they can get heavier or swell. If you see such changes in your nipples or breasts, then get a pregnancy check-up done.

  • Changes in Eating Habits

In pregnancy, you may develop either sudden liking or aversion to certain food items. In the early stage of conceiving, the taste buds have a mind of their own. You may develop strange food cravings. Also, the smell of particular food items may offend you. So, changes in eating patterns are another symptom of pregnancy.

  • Tiredness

Again, bodily hormones bring several alterations during pregnancy. You can face tiredness and fatigue. You may get mild headaches or mood swings. You may feel sluggish than before. So, this may indicate a pregnancy, even if you are continuing the birth control pill dose.

Placebo Pills and Backup Birth Control

If you want the best way to use birth control pills is to follow the prescription. You must not fall out of the routine. If there are placebo pills in the pack, take the dose as per indications as well. This will aid in keeping in touch with the medication routine. But missing the intake of placebo pills will not risk pregnancy.

Placebo pill does not contain the active hormone that restricts a pregnancy. But these are important to take so that you are in sync with the intake of a pill per day. Also, missing these inactive pills may interfere with your memory of starting a new pack. If you skip an active pill, at least use a backup barrier method.

Men and women can use a condom for a week. If more than one dose is missed, then you should continue with barrier contraception for a month. At the same time, keep following the routine of birth control pills to maintain the body hormone levels. This will stop triggering ovulation.

How to Take a Pregnancy Test?

If you purchase an OTC (over-the-counter) pregnancy test, then it is 99% time successful. It detects the hormone level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). You must read the instructions for correct use for this kit. If you want to time your test, then keep a timer handy.

Tests are more accurate if you wait after missing a period. When a fertilized egg implants, the hCG level increases. So, it is easier for the test to show proper results. The check also works better in the morning and for the first urine of the day. Sometimes the test outcome is erroneous.

This happens if you take the pregnancy test incorrectly. It may take a few minutes for certain kits to show the outcome. The results are usually not valid after 10 minutes. So, you have to wait at least 10 minutes to know if you are pregnant or not. Check the expiry date of the product as well before use.

You must know how to read the pregnancy test properly. You should know how to differentiate between the two faint blue lines. If you think you could not read the pregnancy kit result then wait for a few days to retake the test. To confirm the pregnancy status, blood tests also work.

Fix an appointment with your doctor. He/she will draw your blood sample for testing. Within some time itself, you will know if you have conceived or not. If a few weeks have passed from implantation, then even an ultrasound of the uterus may confirm the outcome.

Friday 12 November 2021

6 Alternatives For Kamagra You Should Know

 Kamagra is an economical option for men who are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and want to do something to be able to generate an erection and lead a satisfactory sex life. It comes under the category of ED medication. Want to know a little bit about how ED medication works in the body and contributes to getting an erection?

There is an enzyme known as PDE-5, also called phosphodiesterase type 5 enzymes. Too much of this enzyme reduces nitric oxide levels and makes it much harder to generate an erection. ED pills function by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme from increasing in quantity.

This leads to a rise in nitric oxide and cGMP levels, both of which are important for regulating blood pressure. The active ingredient, Sildenafil Citrate, is responsible for the increase in nitric oxide production and for the inhibition of the PDE-5 enzyme.

Best Kamagra Alternatives

People may opt for an alternative to Kamagra for whatsoever reasons. It can be due to the difficulty to find an authentic Kamagra dealer or the inaccessibility of Kamagra pills at the location of residence. If that’s the case, you can always rely on our own online medical shop to buy Kamagra 100 MG at the best rates possible.

Below we have curated a list of alternative options to Kamagra to help you ease the symptoms of your erectile dysfunction issues and indulge in comfortable sexual activity:

1. Nipatra 100 mg Chewable Tablets

These pills are chewable, as mentioned in its title tag. Consider it easier to swallow than Viagra and other pills. It too consists of sildenafil citrate that helps in defeating the problem of constricting blood vessels. Due to this, fresh and new blood vessels are given a route to the penile structure, leading to access to greater blood flow.

Another beneficial property of Nipatra is that it blocks blood in the penis and restricts the outflow of blood. This leads to contained blood in the penis and a chance for enhanced and longer erections.

2. Vitaros Cream 3 mg/g

This cream is manufactured by Ferring. The main active ingredient in this cream is Alprostadil. You can find the presence of this ingredient in other medicinal products such as MUSE and Caverject.

The method of application requires one to use a plunger and apply Vitaros at the tip of the penis. Precisely at the opening of the urethra. Within a maximum of 25 to 30 minutes, the man will notice an erection has developed. Expect the effects to stay active for up to 2 hours.

The plungers are also supplied with the package itself. The active ingredient is absorbed by the skin and dilates blood vessels to increase the flow of blood to the penis. Due to its non-invasive method of application, it is safe to consume with nitrate drugs and there are no food or beverage restrictions either.

3. Spedra 50 mg Tablets Avanafil

The most amazing feature of this ED pill is that its erection generating effects are visible within 15 minutes of consumption and can last for around 5 hours. This makes it a go-to option for men who indulge in sexual activity in a spontaneous fashion, more than a planned session. Expect to find the following dosage amounts – 50 mg, 100 mg, and 200 mg. The main active ingredient is Avanafil and comes under the category of PDE-5 inhibitors.

PDE-5 enzymes are usually tasked with keeping the blood flow within the body under control. Sadly, it can also restrict the dilation of blood vessels around the penile region, leading to difficulty in generating and maintaining an erection. Avanafil fights this PDE-5 property and permits greater blood flow to the penis, leading to long-lasting erections. Make sure the website you purchase Spedra from is registered under the GPhC.

4. Cialis Film-Coating Tablets Tadalafil

This is a much stronger ED pill and is thus available in smaller dosages of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg. Consuming the higher dosages can lead to the generation of an erection for as long as 36 hours. This is another popular choice amongst couples who prefer to go on for long sex marathons. The active ingredient, Tadalafil, is also a PDE-5 inhibitor, and the main reason that blood flow is increased to the penis.

Consuming Cialis around 30 minutes before indulging in sexual activity usually proves to be enough and allows couples to enjoy uninterrupted sexual interactions for days at a go.

5. Caverject Dual Chamber 10 mg

If you want to try something apart from ED pills and creams, then you can try an injectable ED medication. You will get a vial that comprises the active ingredient Alprostadil. This is in the form of a powder. You will also get a syringe that consists of the mixing solution.

Out of the 2 provided needles, use the large one, and insert it into the Alprostadil vial. Once the solution has dissolved properly you can use the smaller sized needle to inject the prepared solution into the base of the penis.

Provided you purchase the dual-chamber Caverject, the injection would not have to be prepared and would be given ready to use. This medicine functions very similar to a hormone present in the body, known as Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1).

It is due to this hormone that blood vessels are dilated and there is greater blood flow to the penile region. Keep in mind, just like other ED pills, these drugs will only work if the user is sexually excited.

You can purchase vials with doses of either 10 mcg, 20 mcg, and 40 mcg. Whereas you can get the dual-chamber version in 10 mg or 20 mg options. Start with the lower doses and get an idea of what suits your body. Accordingly, you can decide what works best for you.

6. Muse – Alprostadil

MUSE has an abbreviation – Medicated Urethral System for Erections. It is a medicine that is to be applied to the end of the penis. Like a few of the options above, even MUSE works by instilling a man-made hormone known as Alprostadil, which functions exactly like the hormone in the body, Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1).

You can buy doses of either 250 mg, 500 mg, or 1000 mg. Ideally, 500 mg is the prescribed dosage, but based on how it works on your body, you can try different options.

Kamagra Alternatives: Wrap Up

You can also consider purchasing Viagra or Levitra as they are famous ED pills that have proven to be highly effective since their inception. Just make sure that the website you are buying either of these pills from is authentic and legal.

Check their reviews, client testimonials, and look for the GPhC logo. For increased safety, you can also consult a medical professional with your exact problem, existing medicines that you are consuming, and the name of the above medicine that you plan to consume.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Tips On How To Take Cialis Pill For Better Results

Erectile dysfunction (or ED) is one of the most common sexual problems affecting men. It drastically reduces both, sexual performance and pleasure. However, by using the right treatment in the proper way, one can get rid of ED for good.

This is where Cialis comes in. Cialis is a prescription drug manufactured by Eli and Co. It is also known as tadalafil. Just like other ED drugs, the Cialis pill is a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE 5) inhibitor and works by increasing blood flow to the penis to help you maintain a firm erection.

How Does Cialis Work?

Cialis targets the bloodstream to enhance the effects of nitrous oxide (NO) that is present in the muscular cells of the penis. This enhanced NO then starts a chain reaction that leads to an increase in blood circulation to the penis, thus maintaining the penis erect.

The Cialis pill or tadalafil takes from 30 to 120 minutes to take effect. Additionally, the drug remains in your system for up to 2 days.

How To Take The Cialis Pill For Maximum Effect?

Cialis is administered orally around 30-60 minutes before intercourse. However, there are other ways to take the pill that may be better in some cases. Listed below are some tips to get the maximum results from Cialis or tadalafil.

Follow Your Recommended Dosage

To get Cialis, you will need a certified doctor’s prescription. Upon getting one, follow the dosage recommended to you by your healthcare provider.

For the Cialis pill, there are two dosage options you can choose from. Both these dosages are FDA-approved and considered safe.

As Needed:

This means that you only take the pill once every time prior to indulging in sexual intercourse. The dosage in this pattern is quite high, and doctors start with 10mg. They can later increase this to 20mg depending on the needs and tolerance of the individual.

Once Daily:

This refers to taking one Cialis pill daily at a particular time. The dosage of this method is comparatively lower, with the doctor’s recommended starting dose set at 2.5mg. They can later increase this depending on the effects of the pill and the patient’s tolerance.

Though doctors usually recommend the first option, you can always go for the second. Men also choose option two for greater flexibility regarding their intercourse timing, because in “as needed”, one will have to wait 30-120 minutes before participating.

Therefore, for those who prefer to be spontaneous, taking a lower dosage once a day is better. You must also keep in mind that in both the cases above, you should not take the pill more than once every 24 hours.

Beware Of Side Effects

Cialis, like other prescription drugs, has its own host of side effects you may encounter after consumption. While most of these are mild and rare, knowing what to expect beforehand will prepare you well in case you experience them.

Some of the common side effects of the Cialis pill are:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Flushing
  • Indigestion
  • Back pain
  • Nasal congestion

These are mild and do not require medical attention.

Some rare side effects of the drug are:

  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Respiratory infections
  • Acid reflux
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Urinary tract infection

These are comparatively more severe and may require a visit to the doctor’s office.

In rare cases, using Cialis causes a condition called NAION (Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy), which is a sudden decrease in vision. If you experience this, immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Chances of you developing NAION are greater if you have:

  • High cholesterol
  • Cardiac disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Crowded disk (another eye problem)

In other rare cases, using Cialis can cause a sudden loss of hearing or a ringing sensation in the ears. This is known as tinnitus, and if it happens, you must stop taking the pill immediately and get in touch with a doctor.

If your penis remains erect for more than 4 hours after taking the Cialis pill, immediately seek medical attention. This type of prolonged erection may or may not be painful. The condition is called priapism and can cause permanent damage to the penis tissue.

Males who are more likely to experience priapism include those with:

  • Some form of penile deformities
  • Sickle cell anaemia
  • Leukaemia
  • Multiple myeloma

In any case, always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and report immediately if you feel any of the rare conditions listed above.

Be Careful Of Drug Interactions

When combining PDE 5 inhibitors with medication you already take, you must exercise precaution. It is vital to know how Cialis reacts with common medicines to prevent a potentially dangerous reaction.

One must never take Cialis with medicines that are taken to lower blood pressure. This is because Cialis pills already bring the blood pressure down, and lowering it further can cause serious complications. Also, never take Cialis with any sort of nitroglycerin. This also includes:

  • Nitroglycerin sprays or tablets
  • Isosorbide mononitrate and Isosorbide dinitrate

Consuming certain medicines can cause your body to remove Cialis from your system sooner, such as:

  • Phenytoin
  • Carbamazepine
  • Rifampin

Always remember to listen to your doctor. Before starting Cialis, tell them about all the medications that you currently consume.

It is also a good idea to tell them if you have any ongoing problems such as asthma or other respiratory illnesses because Cialis pills can interact with the budesonide in inhalers and decrease their effect.

Cialis also reacts with nitrates and phosphates, so pay attention to the food you consume. Mixing Cialis with alcohol and other similar stimulants can cause irregular and sudden drops in blood pressure. Thus, it is recommended not to do so.

Given below is a list of some other substances Cialis adversely reacts with:

  • Antiseizure medications
  • HIV medications
  • Most antibiotics
  • Oral antifungal medications
  • High sugar medications
  • High cholesterol medications

It is also advised to not take Cialis along with any other PDE 5 inhibitor such as Viagra or Stendra (and other ED drugs), as this can cause the effects of ED to worsen.

Reduce Risk Factors For ED

While getting the appropriate treatment is vital, it is also important to mitigate the risks of ED occurring. ED can be a sign of long-term health problems. Recognizing these problems and actively working to get rid of them can largely contribute to treating ED.

ED is more likely to affect people who smoke. The harmful chemicals present in tobacco and nicotine lower your blood pressure and decrease blood circulation, thus making you more susceptible to ED. Even worse, Cialis effects are lessened in smokers.

By managing external conditions such as smoking, anxiety, and depression. You may get better results from your ED treatments. Maintaining a healthy diet, working out, and getting proper rest are also essential to help your body give the energy it needs to fight ED.

Communicating With A Good Healthcare Provider

Ultimately, getting the best treatment option available to you can only be facilitated if you contact the right people. Your healthcare provider will test to diagnose your condition, learn about your medical history, and give you a prescription.

Thus, crystal clear communication with your doctor is an absolute must. Upon prescribing, they might increase/decrease the dosage, make dietary changes, and provide you with the best feasible treatment plan suited specifically for you.

Always act on the advice given to you by professionals while using Cialis. If you fear the drug might not be working, contact your doctor and discuss potential options.

Bonus Read: Visit our website to buy generic cialis online at a discounted price.


Cialis pills can work wonders in treating ED, and we hope this article has provided enough information for you to reap the benefits. Ultimately, you will get the best out of your treatment by understanding the drug well.

Remember to always use the drug with caution and report any unordinary changes to professionals immediately. Knowing its dosage, side effects, interactions, and what to expect from the medication is the key to getting the most out of Cialis.

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